Sunday, July 17, 2016

The "Do More" Bus

Read Galatians 2:11-21

Briefly summarize the passage. What does Paul confront Peter about?

Understanding God's Word

We have been justified by faith and are no longer under the law. We have been accepted by God. How does God's acceptance help you feel good about who you are?

How were Peter and the other Jews not acting in line with the truth of the gospel?

Why is it wrong to make such customs a basis for fellowship? (vs. 15-17)

Since our faith is in God's grace, does that mean God is cool with sin? How does Paul explain this? (vs 17-19)

How has Christ enabled us to die to the law and to live for God? (v. 20)

Applying God's Word

What is legalism? - Legalism is an attempt to gain favor with God or to impress people by doing certain things (or avoiding other things), without regard to the condition of our hearts before God.

What nonessential customs do Christians sometimes force on each other? (For example, reading your Bible, certain ways of praying, church attendance, lifestyle habits, etc.)

Which of these are you most likely to judge others about? Which of these are you most concerned about keeping up with?

Why does Jesus hate legalism? - Jesus hates legalism because it does not deal with the condition of our hearts before God.

Why is legalism a sin?

What warning signs tell us if we're drifting onto the "performance track" (legalism)?

Is it hypocrisy or legalism to obey God when we don't feel like it? Why?

What does it look like to follow Jesus instead of the performance track?

Turn to God

Confess to God about the areas in which you've put your faith in yourself instead of Him.

Decide to follow Jesus instead of the rules. How does this change everything?


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