Sunday, July 10, 2016


Understanding God's Word

Read 1 Samuel 17:4-54

Briefly summarize the passage. Why is this story so popular?

Living and Applying God's Word

Goliath proposes a battle of champions–one will represent the Philistines and one the Israelites. The loser's side will become servants to the winners. The Israelites were too afraid to take his challenge.

Why is discouragement so effective? What are you discouraged about? Is discouragement a thought (fear) or reality? Why is encouragement so important? Why does who we hang out with matter so much?

Goliath repeated this challenge for 40 days. He wasn't going to go away until someone finally faced him.

What fear are you avoiding in hopes that it will just go away? Why do you think God won't take it away? What happens when you ignore God's timing and abandon His plan? What prayer has God answered, but you're afraid to be obedient to?

David hears of the challenge and wants to accept it, but is immediately met with discouragement from his brothers and King Saul because of their own fears. Can you imagine how this story would've ended differently if David was concerned about the approval of others?!

If we're honest, we're all approval addicts. Why is this so dangerous? How can this keep you from God's will? Why do we so desperately seek approval of our peers? Is there any conflict between God's plan and others' plans for your own life?

Here's the thing...David's brothers and King Saul were not wrong in doubting David. They were absolutely right about his inability to defeat Goliath. Even David knew this. However, David's courage was not in his own self, but in the Lord. This is how David punched fear in the face!

Turn to God

Do you doubt God can help you with what you're afraid of?

Stop and think about what God has already done for you. Overcome your fears of the future by remembering God's faithfulness in the past. Have faith.

Who/what do you need to remove yourself from in order to be able to listen to the Lord?

Ignore the haters and critics. Find discouragement from the Lord (His goodness, power, promises, faithfulness, character, etc.) Surround yourself with godly community and counsel.

What does God want you to attack today?

David ran at Goliath? He wasn't just a trash talker.


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