Sunday, September 25, 2016

The Struggle Bus: The Funeral Bus

Read Job 9:32–35

Summary of Job 9:32–35

Job recognized that sinners need a reconciler with a holy God. He wished that God was a man like himself. He believed that only a mortal could help God understand his human error. God seemed distant and indifferent to his suffering. If God were like man, Job would take God to court on this case. He would argue his innocence in the court of justice, man to man.

Job desired an impartial mediator to plead his case before God. An umpire, arbitrator, lawyer or reconciler between them could quickly settle this dispute successfully.

Job wished that facing God was not so fearful. He knew he could not meet God on fair terms as long as God was omnipotent. Who could argue with His infinite, raw power? Who would hear his case?

Use these questions as a guide to help facilitate a group discussion:

What causes you to be ashamed or scared to approach God (in prayer)?

What do you do when you feel like God just doesn't understand what you're going through?

What has helped you humble yourself and submit to God when you didn't feel like doing so?

If you were Job's friend, what would you say to him after he goes off on this rant?

How can a holy God actually understand what a mortal human being goes through?

Why does sin separate us from God?

Does being good or not sinning bring us closer to God? Why or why not?

How do you know when you and God see eye to eye?

Why could it be harder for a person who has gone to church their entire life and is not a follower of Jesus to repent and turn to Jesus than a person who has never gone to church?

How can being "religious" be so dangerous?

How can a loving God (who is also the judge) send well-meaning, sincere, religious people to hell?

What verses would you point to if a friend asked you how to have a relationship with God or how to get to heaven?

Concerning the question above, did you tend to think of verses about things YOU need to do or things that JESUS has done?

Why do we so easily drift from the idea that Jesus is the savior, and not us?

Why do we need Jesus?

What's your story about when you turned to Jesus to save you?

Would anyone like to put their faith in Jesus right now? Would anyone like to turn back to Jesus right now?


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