Sunday, October 2, 2016

Whole 'Nother Level: No Mo FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)

Read Joshua 1:1–9, 16

Scripture Summary:

The Lord commissions Joshua to lead the Israelites into the land of Canaan, which the Lord is giving to them.

The book of Joshua begins where the book of Deuteronomy ends, with the death of Moses. After the incredible career of Moses, "the servant of the LORD" (1:1), Joshua is to take over leadership of the Israelites and finally lead them into Canaan, the land God has promised to them.

The task of leading the people at this time would be overwhelming to anyone. Perhaps this is why Joshua is told by God three times (1:6, 7, 9) and by the people once (1:18) to "be strong and courageous." The Lord also commands Joshua to obey the book of the law of Moses (1:7–8), referring to Deuteronomy.

So, God is ready to take Joshua's life to a whole 'nother level! Let's use this part of scripture to look at our own lives and see if we're ready to seize the life God's planned for us, or blow it and miss out.

Group Discussion Guide:

At this time in the story, Joshua and the people had been roaming aimlessly (homeless) in the wilderness for 40 years. Moses just died, and God's talking about taking them to a whole 'nother level. Put yourself in Joshua or the people's shoes. What kind of reaction do you think you'd have? Excited or still upset at God? Ready to move forward, or let the past hold you back?

What's something in your past that you're so proud of? How can this hold you back from what God has next for you?

What's a struggle from your past that you've never been able to leave behind? How can this hold you back from what God has next for you?

Why is it dangerous to let our past (whether good or bad) define us?

What does the "perfect life" look like to you?

If you had all the things and money you ever wanted, but weren't living your purpose, would you be ok with that?

What do you think God's purpose for your life is? Be specific. What was the last thing that God called you to do? Have you done it? Are you doing it?

What do you think God's plans for your future are? How can you know?

When you don't know what God's next step for you is, do you think it would help to think about the last thing God called you to do, and make sure you're doing it?

Are you scared of what God's plans are for you? Wait for answers, then read Jeremiah 29:11.

The Israelites were roaming the wilderness of 40 years. I'm sure they weren't too happy that this what part of God's plan. Maybe they didn't even believe it was God's plan. What's it like for you when you think about your past or present and wonder how this could be God's plan? Does Matthew 11:29 help you? What about Isaiah 40:29–31?

What role do you have for God's plan? Read Joshua 1:3–6.

How can you ruin/waste God's plan for you? Read Joshua 1:7–9, 16.

God's promise you so many things, even just in these few verses we've read! What promise or commitment do you need to make to Him?

Why is it important to share what God's called you to with your rGroup?

What do you need to do to ensure you follow through with your commitments to God?

How can you help others with the plans God has for them?


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