Sunday, October 23, 2016

Whole 'Nother Level: Admit It, You Failed

Joshua 6:18 – 8:1

Scripture Summary:

In Joshua 6, the Israelites obeyed God's instructions to a "T" on how to take the land of Jericho. God made a promise to them and came through. This was a HUGE victory for the Israelites, and God had obviously helped them.

God also gave them specific instructions on what to do (and what NOT to do) when they take over the city.

Group Discussion Questions:

Read Joshua 6:18-19. What were the specific instructions?

Now read Joshua 7:1. (#FAIL) What was Achan thinking?! Why, Achan? WHYYYY???!!!

There were consequences for Achan's sin. What happened to him? What happened to others because of him?

When God promises us something good, we always hold Him accountable. But what about when He promises us something bad (consequences of sin)? Why do we then expect God to NOT keep His promise?

Let's not be so quick to point at Achan. We've all failed. There are many causes for failure. Some are the products of specific acts of sin, but some are not. What are some of the significant failures you have experienced in your life?

How did you process these failures with God?

What lessons did you learn through your experience and processing these failures?

How do/did these failures prepare you to be a better follower of Jesus?

How have you grown spiritually as a result of your response to failure?

What successes have you experienced because of the lessons you learned during your times of failure?

What is it that allows a mature believer to succeed in spite of failure?

How should a follower of Jesus use failure as lessons for growth and change?

Why is acknowledging your failure(s) a crucial step to move forward?

Why is it important to confess your sins to God?

Why should we take time to study or examine what happened when we failed/sinned?

Should you carry your failure with you or leave it behind you as you move forward? Any scripture to support your answer? (1 John 1:9, Philippians 3:13)

Are we less accepted by God when we fail? Why or why not? (Grace vs Performance)

If we've decided to follow Jesus, then how come we still sin and fail?

Let's say we have failed BIG TIME. Or maybe SO MANY TIMES. Is God done with you now?

What measurement of success and failure do you use in the following areas?
• Your home life
• Your areas of ministry
• Your workplace

To whom do you compare yourself as you succeed or fail in the following areas?
• Your home
• Your spiritual growth
• Your career development
• Your position in your community

How do you evaluate yourself when you see someone who:
• Makes more money than you
• Drives a nicer car than yours
• Lives in a bigger house than yours
• Has higher career achievements than you
• Takes more expensive vacations than you

How are the materialistic temptations and expectations of our culture luring you away from measuring your success biblically?

As a child of God, what standard should you use in any area of your life to measure your growth and success?

What daily disciplines do you need to practice so that you can use your failures as preparation for biblical success?


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