Monday, October 31, 2016

What's Your Story?

On Sunday, we celebrated life change through Jesus. We witnessed people publicly professing their faith in Christ and taking their next step by being baptized. Baptism is a symbol of Jesus' death, burial and resurrection. New life is possible because of Jesus!

Group Discussion Questions:

How has the experience of Sunday and witnessing people being baptized affected the way you look at God?

What did you think of it?

Did it make sense to you?

Have you made the wonderful discovery of knowing God personally?

(Don't assume everyone is a follower of Jesus. Be prepared to lead someone to Jesus right now!!!)

Have you been baptized?

Where would you say you are in your spiritual pilgrimage?

(Tell your personal testimony of how you became a Christian. Keep it to three minutes, using the following outline):

BEFORE - What characterized my life before I trusted Christ.
DURING - How I came to trust Christ.
AFTER - How I am different now.

Have you ever shared your story before? Who would like the opportunity to briefly share their "before, during, and after" knowing Jesus story?

(Let people share their stories. Make sure they don't get off track.)

So, what's your next step?

(Go around the room and ask each person to share what they think their next step of faith is. Whether it's a small or huge step, write it down so you can pray, encourage and help them follow through with it. To be an effective leader/discipler, you need to know what each person's next step is, and take it with them.)

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Whole 'Nother Level: Admit It, You Failed

Joshua 6:18 – 8:1

Scripture Summary:

In Joshua 6, the Israelites obeyed God's instructions to a "T" on how to take the land of Jericho. God made a promise to them and came through. This was a HUGE victory for the Israelites, and God had obviously helped them.

God also gave them specific instructions on what to do (and what NOT to do) when they take over the city.

Group Discussion Questions:

Read Joshua 6:18-19. What were the specific instructions?

Now read Joshua 7:1. (#FAIL) What was Achan thinking?! Why, Achan? WHYYYY???!!!

There were consequences for Achan's sin. What happened to him? What happened to others because of him?

When God promises us something good, we always hold Him accountable. But what about when He promises us something bad (consequences of sin)? Why do we then expect God to NOT keep His promise?

Let's not be so quick to point at Achan. We've all failed. There are many causes for failure. Some are the products of specific acts of sin, but some are not. What are some of the significant failures you have experienced in your life?

How did you process these failures with God?

What lessons did you learn through your experience and processing these failures?

How do/did these failures prepare you to be a better follower of Jesus?

How have you grown spiritually as a result of your response to failure?

What successes have you experienced because of the lessons you learned during your times of failure?

What is it that allows a mature believer to succeed in spite of failure?

How should a follower of Jesus use failure as lessons for growth and change?

Why is acknowledging your failure(s) a crucial step to move forward?

Why is it important to confess your sins to God?

Why should we take time to study or examine what happened when we failed/sinned?

Should you carry your failure with you or leave it behind you as you move forward? Any scripture to support your answer? (1 John 1:9, Philippians 3:13)

Are we less accepted by God when we fail? Why or why not? (Grace vs Performance)

If we've decided to follow Jesus, then how come we still sin and fail?

Let's say we have failed BIG TIME. Or maybe SO MANY TIMES. Is God done with you now?

What measurement of success and failure do you use in the following areas?
• Your home life
• Your areas of ministry
• Your workplace

To whom do you compare yourself as you succeed or fail in the following areas?
• Your home
• Your spiritual growth
• Your career development
• Your position in your community

How do you evaluate yourself when you see someone who:
• Makes more money than you
• Drives a nicer car than yours
• Lives in a bigger house than yours
• Has higher career achievements than you
• Takes more expensive vacations than you

How are the materialistic temptations and expectations of our culture luring you away from measuring your success biblically?

As a child of God, what standard should you use in any area of your life to measure your growth and success?

What daily disciplines do you need to practice so that you can use your failures as preparation for biblical success?

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Whole 'Nother Level: Roadmap to Success

Opening question: Who is growing spiritually because of being a part of this rGroup?

Remind people of what an rGroup is - "People who regularly meet and participate in activities together with the goal of experiencing spiritual growth (transformation, life change)."

Remind people that the vision of rGroups is "communities that change lives."

Remind people what "community" is - Christian community is simply sharing a common life in Christ, and committing ourselves to life together as the people of God.


Summary of Joshua 5:13–15, 6:1-21

Conquering the Promised Land was an enormous task. The first major obstacle is to conquer the Canaanite powerhouse–Jericho. As the Israelites approach this "battle," the Lord teaches them and us how to be victorious.


Group Discussion Questions:

We fight many battles in life– financial, physical, emotional and spiritual. How can we be victorious in these struggles, especially when the odds against us seem overwhelming?

When have you felt that God was fighting your battles for you? How did you feel?

5:13–15 - How do you think the visit by the commander of the army of the Lord affected Joshua?

6:1–5 - In what ways do the Lord's instructions for the conquest of Jericho seem strange? Can you relate to any of God's instructions for your life?

6:6–15 - How do you think the Israelites felt during this 7-day spectacle? Why do you think God gave them this direction? I bet some of us would rather fight and risk dying than walk in circles and let God fight our battle and win. Why is God's plan better than ours?

What lessons was God teaching the Israelites during their 7 days of marching?

This 7-day march became a test of whether or not the Israelites would follow and obey the Lord because they loved Him and had a desire to please Him. Has God ever given you a similar test?

6:17–25 - What did it mean for this city and its contents to be devoted to the Lord?

How would you apply this to your life? What can you devote to the Lord?

6:19, 24 - Why didn't God allow the Israelites to keep any of the spoils of war?

How is our spiritual warfare today similar to and different from Israel's conquest of Jericho? (see 2 Corinthians 10:3–5)

Spiritual growth is always a result of obedience to God. What spiritual battles are you currently fighting?

Pray for victory for yourself and others you know who are fighting spiritual battles.


Social Media: Ask someone to give a closing statement in a sentence or two that is "retweet" or "share" worthy. Ask them to post it, and then have others in your group share/retweet it.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Whole 'Nother Level: Crossing in Faith

Read Joshua 3.

How many of you were familiar with this story before this week? (Encourage people to read Joshua 1-3 this week.)

Summary of Joshua 3:

Joshua and the Israelites pack up their gear and head toward the Jordan River as they prepare for their big water crossing. They set up camp for the night, and Joshua tells Israel that they must sanctify themselves. Also, heads up Israelites–you are to follow the Ark of the Covenant at a distance of 2,000 cubits. God says to Joshua, "This day I will begin to exalt you in the sight of all Israel, so that they may know that I will be with you as I was with Moses." (v 7) It's clear that Joshua is the new Moses. As Israel is preparing to cross the Jordan, one man from each tribe is selected to carry the Ark into the water. The Jordan River is in flood season at this time, too. When the feet of the Ark bearers enter the water, the Jordan begins to flow like a wall to their right and to their left, just like the Red Sea in Exodus. Once all of Israel made it to dry land, the priests bearing the Ark step out of the Jordan and the water returns to normal. Very cool miracle!

Questions based on the Scripture passage:

What barrier stood between Israel and the land?

What sign would be given to the people to tell when they should go forward?

How closely should the people follow? Why?

How was the ark carried? Why?

What did Joshua say was about to happen in verse 5? What was the purpose of it? (vs 7, 10)

What were the priests carrying the ark to do at the river?

What did Joshua specifically predict was going to happen (v 13)?

Describe the crossing of the river.

Application questions:

Joshua is pretty new to the position of leading the Israelites, and now he's asking them to trust God for a miracle. If you were in the crowd, would you find it easy or hard to follow Joshua's leadership? Why?

What role do you think your leader/Pastor has for your life?

When you are in a situation that requires great faith, what helps you to be bold?

What daily or weekly things do you do in order to make sure your "faith tank" is full for when you're going to need it? What kind of prep work do you do for when you're required to act in faith?

Share an example of when you displayed radical obedience.

Share a story of when you saw someone else have radical faith. How did that impact you?

Share an example of when God made the impossible possible for you.

As the people started to obey, it wasn't quickly evident that a miracle was actually happening. Have you ever obeyed God's commands, but then felt like He wasn't even noticing? What did you do next? What does scripture say about God that would encourage/help you?

Every step in this story of Joshua 3 seems just absolutely weird, stupid, crazy or pointless. Are you downplaying any of your steps like that?

Why is your next step that God asks you to take SO important? What could possibly be at stake?

Why is it SO important to not just know what your next step in faith is, but to actually take it NOW?

Give a good reason why you should wait to take the step God has asked you to take. What excuses do you make?

Do you think your next step could ever impact someone else?

Do you think God even has a next step for you? What is it? How will you listen to God and do what He says?

Nothing worth doing is ever easy. What can you do to help yourself when the going gets tough?

Write down the next step you think God wants you to take. If you're not sure, commit to praying about it this week.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Whole 'Nother Level: No Mo FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)

Read Joshua 1:1–9, 16

Scripture Summary:

The Lord commissions Joshua to lead the Israelites into the land of Canaan, which the Lord is giving to them.

The book of Joshua begins where the book of Deuteronomy ends, with the death of Moses. After the incredible career of Moses, "the servant of the LORD" (1:1), Joshua is to take over leadership of the Israelites and finally lead them into Canaan, the land God has promised to them.

The task of leading the people at this time would be overwhelming to anyone. Perhaps this is why Joshua is told by God three times (1:6, 7, 9) and by the people once (1:18) to "be strong and courageous." The Lord also commands Joshua to obey the book of the law of Moses (1:7–8), referring to Deuteronomy.

So, God is ready to take Joshua's life to a whole 'nother level! Let's use this part of scripture to look at our own lives and see if we're ready to seize the life God's planned for us, or blow it and miss out.

Group Discussion Guide:

At this time in the story, Joshua and the people had been roaming aimlessly (homeless) in the wilderness for 40 years. Moses just died, and God's talking about taking them to a whole 'nother level. Put yourself in Joshua or the people's shoes. What kind of reaction do you think you'd have? Excited or still upset at God? Ready to move forward, or let the past hold you back?

What's something in your past that you're so proud of? How can this hold you back from what God has next for you?

What's a struggle from your past that you've never been able to leave behind? How can this hold you back from what God has next for you?

Why is it dangerous to let our past (whether good or bad) define us?

What does the "perfect life" look like to you?

If you had all the things and money you ever wanted, but weren't living your purpose, would you be ok with that?

What do you think God's purpose for your life is? Be specific. What was the last thing that God called you to do? Have you done it? Are you doing it?

What do you think God's plans for your future are? How can you know?

When you don't know what God's next step for you is, do you think it would help to think about the last thing God called you to do, and make sure you're doing it?

Are you scared of what God's plans are for you? Wait for answers, then read Jeremiah 29:11.

The Israelites were roaming the wilderness of 40 years. I'm sure they weren't too happy that this what part of God's plan. Maybe they didn't even believe it was God's plan. What's it like for you when you think about your past or present and wonder how this could be God's plan? Does Matthew 11:29 help you? What about Isaiah 40:29–31?

What role do you have for God's plan? Read Joshua 1:3–6.

How can you ruin/waste God's plan for you? Read Joshua 1:7–9, 16.

God's promise you so many things, even just in these few verses we've read! What promise or commitment do you need to make to Him?

Why is it important to share what God's called you to with your rGroup?

What do you need to do to ensure you follow through with your commitments to God?

How can you help others with the plans God has for them?