Sunday, December 18, 2016

Best Christmas Ever: Change in Perspective

Matthew 1:18–25


Luke prominently features Mary in his writings of Jesus' birth (Luke 1-2), but Matthew tells the story through Joseph's perspective. Joseph is important to Matthew's Gospel because Jesus becomes part of David's lineage through Joseph (1:1-17).

Joseph was living a normal, responsible and righteous life (vs 19) when he's all of the sudden given the news that Mary is pregnant and it's not from him.

Joseph's life plan just got flipped upside down! Now what?

Group Discussion Guide:

Who has a crazy story of when your life plan got interrupted?

Joseph responded pretty good in verse 19. Who can honestly say they're pretty good at dealing with major interruptions? What character trait do you have that you could advise the rest of the group to implement?

Not all interruptions are crazy and life altering. Most are actually more life inconveniences, frustrations, and unexpected events. Why are these kinds of things SO annoying though?

What's the danger in letting little things bother you?

Can you imagine how the story would've changed if Joseph got angry and didn't want to listen to God?! We've all done it, but would someone be willing to give an example of when they had an adult temper tantrum?

Why do we love to throw our own pity-parties? What do you think you're trying to accomplish when you do this?

Verse 20 reveals that even though Joseph was actually afraid, the Lord made this happen and it was part of His plan. While interruptions and unexpected things (minor or major) catch us off guard, they do not catch God off guard. Why does God allow these interruptions to happen? (God always has a plan and uses these interruptions to change us to be more like Christ.)

Slow traffic, a sick child, or a costly home repair may not seem like important tools in our sanctification, but they are. How? (We are given opportunities to rely on God, to obey him, and bring him glory.)

We won't be asked to be the earthly father of Jesus, build an ark, part the red sea, or sacrifice our only son, but we will certainly have a few major events in our life that cause us to trust God and obey him in some deeply profound way. Are any of you currently going through one of these major events? How are you being tested to trust God?

Joseph obviously had no control over Mary getting pregnant, but his response proved something. What is revealed when we are not in control? (When things don't go our way, our faith is stretched and it will be revealed whether we are standing on rock or sand.)

Can someone share a testimony of why they believe God is in control of all the details in their life?

Can someone make a case for why God's grace is actually sufficient to get us through the day?

How does the Gospel apply to life's interruptions?

How can Christ be enough to satisfy all the deepest needs of our heart?

Christmas reminds us that everything we need is provided by God through Jesus. (Close by sharing your story of how God's grace, Jesus, is everything you've ever needed.)


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