Monday, December 12, 2016

Best Christmas Ever: The Power of Silence

Luke 1 Summary:

A priest Zacharias, whose wife, Elizabeth, has not been able to get pregnant, has a visitation from an angel. The angel tells Zacharias that he will have a son, and to name him John. Zacharias doubts this and tells the angel he is too old. The angel tells him he will not be able to speak until the day of his son's birth. Elizabeth got pregnant, just like the angel said. When it came time to name the baby, Zacharias wrote down that his name will be John, and then his voice returned.

Why do you think the angel chose the method of silence for Zacharias?

Do you see it as a punishment, or a way to increase Zacharias' faith?

Practical Questions:

Why are coffee breaks so great?

Why are nice, long walks on the beach so relaxing?

Who is currently very overwhelmed by your to-do list?

How many of you are so easily distracted?

What's the importance of having quality time with someone you love?

Why does our culture feel the need to be productive all the time?

Why do most of us struggle to spend devoted time alone with God?

Why do we so easily give people our undivided attention, but not God?

What's the difference between prioritizing solitude and silence in our lives versus doing another Christian or spiritual activity? (It's about running into God's arms and knowing His love.)

Read Psalm 46:10

Let's be a group Thesaurus for a few moments.

What are some other words or phrases for "Be still"? (Brainstorm at least 5 answers.)

What is the importance and benefits of "being still" or (whatever other words/phrases you listed)?

Why do you think God likes us to be in silence?

What are some other words or phrases for "Know"? (Brainstorm at least 5 answers.)

What are the benefits of knowing?

What are some other names or words to describe God? (Brainstorm at least 10 answers.)

How does who God is help you realize that He is all you need?

When you're stressed, burned out, overwhelmed, discouraged, worried, lacking, sinning, etc., how does this verse's application help you?

5 Tips for Finding Solitude

1. Pick a Time
Think about the time that you can start taking today to listen for God's voice in silence. Maybe you could turn off your car radio during your daily commute to work, turn off your phone, use your lunch break, get up a little earlier, or use the time right before you go to bed.

2. Find a Location
If you only have a few minutes or a couple hours, think of a place that is nearby where you can disconnect from your "everyday life," and not be interrupted.

3. Let it Go
Accept the fact that you are not indispensable and allow the world to go on without you for these few moments.

4. Let God be God
Humble yourself, listen, pay attention, and be open to what God might be trying to show you.

5. Stick to the Basics
Space. Prayer. God's Word.

Who's ready to get started on this tomorrow? Make your plans and stick to it!


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