Sunday, April 9, 2017

He is Here: Palm Sunday

Read John 12:12–19

Scripture Summary:

Jesus' so-called "Triumphal Entry" into Jerusalem at the beginning of Passion Week should perhaps be called His "Tragic Entry," because it triggered events that led to His death. Luke 19:41 says that when Jesus approached Jerusalem, He cried over it. The crowds lined the street and cheered for Jesus as the long-expected King of Israel, but they were hoping for a political king, who could lead a military victory against Rome and provide eventual peace and prosperity for their nation. They were not so interested in a Messiah with a spiritual kingdom, who would provide forgiveness for their sins and who would be Lord of every aspect of their personal lives. So within a week, the shouts of "Hosanna!" turned to "Crucify Him!" The fickle crowd was following Jesus for the wrong reasons.

Group Discussion Questions:

John 12:12–13 reveals that the crowd's perspective about Jesus was "What's in it for me?" Why is that perspective so easy to fall into?

How has that same perspective of focusing on how you're going to benefit left you empty before?

Think about what Jesus did with his life. How is it so different from "What's in it for me?"

John 12:16 reveals that the disciples perspective about Jesus was "I don't trust Him!" What happens when you feel this way?

What do you need to do in order to go from fear to trust in Jesus?

John 12:19 reveals that the religious leaders perspective about Jesus was "I want to be in control!" Jesus was a threat to their own kingdom. Have you ever related to this?

So, what is the right perspective to follow Jesus?
(See closing point for some answers)

Have you experienced disappointment with God? What was the source of your disappointment? How do you deal with it?

Are there any areas of your life (work, finances, relationships, goals, use of time, etc.) where Jesus is not your King?

What specifically do you need to do to yield these areas to Him?

Closing Point, Challenge or Prayer:

The right reason to follow Jesus is because of who He is: God's annointed one, the rightful King over every heart and life. He died for your sins, arose from the grave, and is coming back in power and glory to reign over all. Follow Jesus because of who He is, not for the temporal benefits that He might give you!


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