Sunday, April 23, 2017

I Just Want To Be Happy: Relationships

Philippians 1:1–11

(Please keep in mind that when we talk about relationships, we are not only referring to significant others. Relationships are with anyone you're around often (friends, coworkers, neighbors, kids, parents, family, spouse, etc.)

On a scale of 1–10, how happy are you with your relationships (friends, family, boy/girlfriend, husband/wife)?

What's one thing you've learned from someone else in the group that demonstrates what happiness in relationships looks like?

Read Philippians 1:1–11

How do you think Paul maintains an attitude of joy and thankfulness while in the worst of situations (tortured in prison)?

Read verse 3. What is linked to Paul's happiness? (Thankfulness) Discuss what happens to a relationship when this characteristic is missing?

Discuss how the difference between gratitude and expectations can lead to different paths in a relationship.

Read verses 4–5. How does praying in love change everything in relationships?

What do you often do instead of praying? What does that lead to?

Read verses 9–11. What 4 things are listed that you can pray about?
(grow in love, make the best choices, become pure and blameless like Jesus, live with integrity/fruits of the spirit)

How should the relationships and community within a church be different than relationships and community that is built in other clubs or organizations?

Read verse 6–7. How does this verse positively affect you when you are feeling discouraged by your or others faults?

Read verse 8. We are to love people like Jesus loved us. What's one relationship where you need to apply this most?

What are the biggest barriers to you experiencing happier relationships? How can you change that?

What would you like others in your group to pray for and keep you accountable with regarding your relationships?


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