Sunday, July 30, 2017

Summer on the Mount: Friends and Enemies

Summary:  There are times when people hurt you, abandon you, treat your poorly, and persecute you in life.  So how should Christians respond?  The Old Testament speaks of consequences and justice to be served, but Jesus flips the script.  Why?  The proper response helps to remind others what our Father is like and what He has done for all of humanity.

Text: Matthew 5:38-48

1.  Share a time in your life where you were the victim of injustice, pain, or harm.  Maybe it was from a parent, spouse, boss, coworker, close friend, or complete stranger.  Maybe it was online, in person, something that happened behind your back, in your family, or in the workplace.

2. What does our response tend to be when that happens to you?  (anger, hurt, retaliation, cut them off, badmouth them, loss of trust)

3. Jesus says our first step in the process should be reconciliation.  Why is that so hard?  (takes humility, goes against human nature, involves a positive outcome for the person that hurt you)

4.  There are times in life where we do someone wrong, make a mistake, say something inappropriate, or hurt someone.  What does Jesus say our response should be?

5.  Is there an example in your life where you went "above and beyond" to right a wrong in your life? What was the response of the person you were dealing with?

6.  Jesus even instructs to love our enemies.  Who are your enemies?  Who are the people in your life that you find it very difficult to love, show compassion to, and accept?

7.  What are some practical ways that you can love people in your life, even your enemies?

8. Has an "enemy" of your ever loved you when you didn't deserve it, or treated you in a way that really surprised you positively?

9.  Ultimately, Jesus wants our lives to reflect what God has done for us.  What exactly do you have to do to/for your enemies in order to paint a proper picture of what God has done for you?


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