Sunday, August 6, 2017

Summer on the Mount: Fake Christians

Matthew 6:1–18

1. Fake faith gives to get noticed. (vs. 2–4)

The key is: why do you give? What's your motive?

Why should you give without fanfare (in secret)?

Does this mean that you should never tell anyone what you give and who you give to?

2. Fake faith performs prayers for people. (vs. 5–15)

Which side of the spectrum do you find yourself: Afraid OR Proud to pray in front of others?

How does your pride get in the way of your prayers?

What are the advantages of private prayer?

If God/Jesus walked into the room right now, how would you talk to Him? Do you find your answer to be the same way that you usually pray to Him? Why or why not?

3. Fake faith sacrifices to impress others. (vs. 16–18)

How did hypocrites fast (sacrifice)? What was wrong with this?

Why should we fast? What's the purpose?


Why does Jesus put the emphasis on the motive of giving, praying, and fasting but not just the practice?

How might you pray, give, and fast differently as a result of Jesus' teaching?

Do you think you can apply this passage in your life without the help of other Christians? Why or why not? How can we help each other in these areas?


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