Sunday, February 14, 2021

Life of David Week 3

Sermon Summary:

In this message. we find David on the run as Saul seeks to end his life.  From this period in David’s life, we learn about the importance of trusting God when we find ourselves in a place we didn’t choose.  David had become a great military general. As a result of his military successes, he received the praise of the people.  That was fine until David began receiving more praise than King Saul (1 Samuel 18:8-9).  Saul was jealous, and not long thereafter, decided to end David’s life because he saw David as a potential threat to the throne.  David learned of Saul’s murderous plans and fled into the wilderness, where he spent the next ten years of his life.  The wilderness near Engedi is a very dry region with little food and water.  It was not a place that David wanted to live in, and yet he couldn’t leave because he was on the run.  However, David did have the freedom to choose how he would respond to others while in the wilderness. Let’s look at three examples. 

Responding to the Weak In 1 Samuel 22:2, we find David responding to “the weak” in a place called the cave of Adullam.  David was with 400 disgruntled, poor men who wanted him to lead them.  As if that wasn’t enough of a challenge, a tragedy comes along.  We read about it in 1 Samuel chapter 30. While David and his men were out on a mission, the Amalekites came and destroyed their camp.  When David and his men returned, they discovered that their possessions had been stolen and their wives and children had been kidnapped.  The initial response of those whom David was leading was a bad response.  Rather than direct their anger towards the Amalekites, they directed it towards David.  They wanted to kill him.  There was no one to encourage him, so David strengthened himself in the Lord (1 Samuel 30:6).  David made a wise choice—he strengthened himself in the Lord and then he sought out his pastor for counsel, a man named Abiathar.  He suggested that they pray together and seek God’s guidance, and that’s exactly what they did!  By making that good choice, David discovered that God had a plan for restoration and recovery.  David rallied his men to go on a rescue mission. They defeated the Amalekites and rescued their wives and children and they retrieved the possessions that had been stolen from them.  In addition, the Amalekites had conquered other people and had taken the possessions and money.  David and his men brought all of that back to their camp at the Brook of Besor.  When they got back, David’s men wanted to keep the other people’s possessions, but David put his foot down as a leader and said, “That’s not right. We will not only return their families, we will also return their possessions.  Furthermore, they will get a rightful share of all of the spoils.”  While going through his own wilderness experience, David cared about those who had less than he did.  There is a tendency when we get in the wilderness to become self-centered, to throw a pity party for ourselves.  Yet, David shows us how to respond to the weak: with generosity. 

Responding to a Fool In 1 Samuel chapter 25, David relates to a fool. It is the story of Nabal and Abigail, his wife.  They were part of a Bedouin group in the wilderness to whom David and his men provided protection.  During the annual sheep-shearing festival, David and sent his men who had been providing protection to receive whatever Nabal and Abigail wanted to provide.  Nabal was rich, rude, and arrogant, and when David’s men came making their request, Nabal said to them, “How dare you expect anything from us?” and sent David’s men away.  When the message got back to David, he became furious and decided to go ride down the hill and wipe everyone out.  Abigail heard what was about to happen, gathered gifts of food and wine, and hurried off to intercept David and his men.  Abigail approached David with the gifts and accepted responsibility for her husband’s foolish actions herself.  She reasoned with David: “Yes, my husband was a fool, but we don’t need two fools.”  Abigail convinced David to turn around and no blood was shed that day.  Abigail was a peacemaker, someone who was willing to step in and speak words of wisdom and restraint with love.  In the NT, Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God.”  Abigail challenged David that day to be the best version of himself.  She asked David to forgive the fool, and he did. 

Responding to a Wicked Person The third kind of person that David encountered is found in 1 Samuel chapter 24.  Here, David confronts a wicked person.  As result of his irrational jealousy, Saul wanted to kill David.  David and his men found themselves hiding in a cave near Engedi.  Saul decided to enter one of these caves to find some relief from the heat and the sun.  He just happened to choose the cave where David and his men are hiding.  About that time, Saul had to use the bathroom.  He discarded his robe and David literally caught him with his pants down.  His men encouraged David to take the opportunity to kill Saul, but David chose not to do that.  Rather, he sneaked up and cut off the edge of Saul’s robe.  Saul finished his business and went back into the valley.  David came out of the cave and held up the fabric he has just cut off.  He yelled out, “Why do you listen to the people who say I am trying to harm you...for the Lord placed you at my mercy back there in the cave,” (1 Samuel 24:9-10).  One of the reasons Saul was after David is because he was listening to people who were the opposite of peacemakers.  They were saying, “David is out to get you. You need to get David before he gets you.”  By his actions, David dispelled those lies.  David was willing to wait on God and not take vengeance into his own hands.  Many times, we are tempted, especially in our wilderness times, to take things into our own hands, to bring about our own justice.  Know this: when you do that, you are raising your hand against someone that God has placed in a position of authority over you. Unless they are asking you to do something that directly goes against something the Bible says you are to do or are not to do, then you are to live under their authority.  God will redeem that somehow—even though you don’t like it. 

You are not to return evil for evil but to give a blessing instead. 

    • To the weak, choose to be generous. 

    • To the fool, choose to forgive. 

    • To the wicked, choose to wait on God for justice.

David did not choose to be in the wilderness, but he did have a choice about how he would respond to those whom he would encounter while there.  How will you respond? 


Questions for Reflection:

1- God chose an unknown, insignificant shepherd boy to be Israel’s greatest king.  Tell about a time when you “served in obscurity.”  What was hard about that?  What was easy?  In what ways do you now see that God used what you did behind the scenes to prepare you for something more?

2- David’s character was revealed through his “wilderness responses.”  Tell about a time when you had a less-than-perfect response in the midst of adversity. What resulted from your response?

3- How might things have been different if you, like David, strengthened yourself in the Lord (1 Samuel 30:6).  How does a person strengthen themselves in the Lord?  Have you ever done that?  Share a story about it.

4- Read 1 Thessalonians 5:14. What 3 types of people does God identify?  Why should we have different responses to each?

5- There are 3 types of people and 3 types of responses, but there are 4 commands in the passage.  One response is common regardless of the sort of person we encounter.  What is it?  Why should we be patient towards all?

6- Who in the world right now qualifies as weak?  How can you help them?

7- Who in your world qualifies as faint-hearted?  How can you encourage them?

8- Who in your world qualifies as unruly?  How can you warn them?

9- How can you be patient with each of them?



1-    Choose not to return evil for evil; instead, give a blessing.

2-    To the weak, choose to be generous.

3-    To the fool, choose to forgive.

4-    To the wicked, choose to wait on the Lord to accomplish justice.

5-    What is one small, concrete step of obedience you will put into practice this week?



Daily Bible Reading (Monday-Saturday):

This week, let’s learn about living for the Glory of God.  If God IS glorious, then how can we add anything to His glory?

Monday- Psalm 59:1-8

Tuesday- Psalm 59:9-15

Wednesday- Psalm 59:16-17

Thursday- Psalm 63:1-6

Friday- Psalm 63:7-11

Saturday- 2 Samuel 11:1 - 2 Samuel 12:15


5 Question Bible Study (to answer every day in response to the Daily Bible Reading):

a- What idea particularly strikes me from this text (note which verses it comes from).

b- What question does this text raise in my mind—and how would this text answer it? 

c- What about Jesus—his character and/or redemption—relates to this text?

d- What action must I take as a result of this text?  Be concrete and specific.

e- With whom will I share what I learned from this text?


SPEC for the Text

Sin to avoid

Promise to claim

Example to Follow

Command to Obey


“I Will” Statement…

-Based on this text, what is one specific, measurable thing you will do this week to live it out?


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